Welcome to The Eclecticon!
As the name suggests, The Eclecticon is a diverse assembly of free to use resources, which happen to
match my own interests. Clicking on any of the hyperlinks on the header and footer navigation bars will
take you to a page full of visual links to lots of nice things.
Throughout the Eclecticon, a MATLAB logo indicates a hyperlink to a .zip file containing MATLAB code.
Most of the links are to existing websites, but occasionally you may come across a home made
creation. Unless specified otherwise, the latter are all ‘copy left’ - in other words free to use for your
personal delectation or/and educational purposes. No hard cash will change hands and you won’t be
able to use it to make extra money yourself. The only protocol is that you reference me (i.e. this
website) in glowing terms if you include one of my resources into your own projects.
I typically endeavour to create my own or make use of copyright free images in my resources.
However, if you feel annoyed that I may have inadvertently used your copyrighted material, (or indeed
not properly referenced non-copyrighted stuff) via naive use of the marvellous Google Images, do
please send me an email and I will swiftly replace the offending picture.
Best regards
Dr French. August 2012.
Please send any non spam correspondence regarding this website to